
Friday, 24 July 2015

kurtas immersion assenbly

On Monday the whole school had a Immersion Assembly. We were in the hall to learn about our topic this term.

 Team 1 was my favourite team they went to the market and got some food. They brought some food back to school and they did a scramble!

 Team 2 was all about ice cream. To get the ice cream you had to answer the question.

 Team 3 was talking about what you want to be when you grow up. I want to be a police man and a rugby player too. It will be cool. But i wished.

 Team 4 was all about making good choices. Mr Sassy was so so fun hahaha Mr Baxendile found 50$ he was going to by a box with black cops that cool. I was excited team 1 was my best team.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

we'll miss you

kurtas kapqa haka

I like kapa haka because i learn a lot of stuff it is fun. My friends liked kapa haka day have fun.

kurtas Matariki

1 This weekend it was matariki . Matariki is a cluster of stars .When these stars appear maon celebrate the maori new year. 2 If you want to see the matariki cluster of stars what can you do. You will need to get up about half an hour before dawn breaks in late may or early june. 3 You have to look towards the horizon facing north east.