
Tuesday, 22 September 2015


Being a firefighter is a challenging job. You have to be fit and mentally strong. What work Do they Do? A firefighters has different jobs because their work is varied. Firefighters protect people from fire.You have to call 111 to get the firefighter to come. Extinguishing fires is hard to put out. You will need a lot of water to put out the wate. It is hard to be a firefighter you have to be fit and mentally strong it is varied. What Do Firefighters Do. Firefighter's need protective clothing to keep them safe from getting blistered and burnt. You have to wear safety gear if they don't wear safety gear was will die. They wear helmet with a visor to protect them from the het and the smoke. Firefighter’s wear gloves to protect them from the heat.Firefighter’s wear gloves to protect them from the flames.

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